1962 Dynacord / Echocord / Echolette stack - completely serviced and restored

Beautiful Dynacord / Ecocord / Echolette stack from 1962, consisting of:

- 1962 Dynacord Eminent I

- 1962 Dynacord Echocord Super 62

- 1962 Dynacord Echocord S62 user manual (copy)

- 1962 Dynacord FR2 foot controller

- 1962 Dynacord KR2 combination frame (very rare)

- 1962 Echolette 2x12 LSP cabinet


All parts of this stack are recently (September 2022) fully serviced and restored, including:


Power supply:

- A new dual output power cabel is included which prevents buzzing and staticity due to double grounding

Eminent I:

- All electrolyte condensators, including the two cup elco's, have been replaced

- All filmcondensators have been replaced

- Degraded resistors have been replaced

- Two new EL34 tubes have been replaced, all other tubes have been tested and are within specs

- BIAS has been adjusted according to service manual

- Two 6 1/4 jacks have been installed for LSP cabinet connection 

- All components cleaned
- Exterior cleansed and worn spots repainted


Echocord S62:

- All electrolyte condensators, including the two cup elco's, have been replaced 

- Degraded resistors have been replaced

- All tubes have been tested and are within specs

- The entire tape echo mechanism has been serviced; heads cleaned, demagnitized and polished. The motor has been cleansed from dust and  dirt. All other components have been cleansed. A new tape has been installed (more new tapes are included). A new rubber pinch roller has been installed

- The device has been thoroughly calibrated
- Exterior cleansed and worn spots repainted


FR2 foot controller:

- Interior has been serviced and cabling has been replaced


KR2 combination frame:

- Sandblasted and newly painted


Echolette 2x12 LSP Cabinet:

- Orientation has been modified from horizontal to vertical in order to better fit the Eminent/Echocord stack

All required cables, from power supply to instrument connection, are included. All controls are fully functional, and all combinations work properly.  There is no buzz, and the stack sounds great. Keep in mind that, even after all restoration work, this is still 60-yr old technology that should be handled with care. 


Dynacord / Echocord / Echolette stack

€ 1.990,00

  • 25 kg
  • Available
  • Ships within 1-3 days